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Transfer Native Token

The first crucial step for a newcomer in the Web3 world is understanding how to operate a cryptocurrency wallet. This is a fundamental skill for interacting with blockchain-based systems, and we have designed a beginner-friendly tutorial to help you navigate this new terrain.

Transfer Using MetaMask


This tutorial based on the Koi testnet, it operations are also apply to other chains.

  • Install the Wallet extension in your browser.
  • Import your existing accounts or create new ones. Test Account 1 and Test Account 2 are two test accounts in this tutorial.

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  • At first, you need to switch from the Ethereum Mainnet to the Darwinia networks. For example, take the Koi network as an example, the network information page provides a convenient link to connect directly.


    Click the Add To MetaMask button.


Check the network displayed and click the Approve button. Then , you can see that the network has switched from the Ethereum Mainnet to the Koi Testnet.

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Test Account 1 has 20 KRING and Test Account 2 balance is 0. Let's transfer 10 KRING to the Test Acccount 2 next.

  • Transfer evm-tutorial-token-transfer-7

    Click Send button.


    Select the target account and fill in the value amount, click Next.


    Confirm the source account and target account, then click Comfirm button.

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